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Acacia adoxa

Grey Whorled Wattle

A wide-spreading shrub with dense grey foliage, hairy phyllodes (modified leaves, and abundant globular yellow flowers in season. Grows to 1 metre tall and likes rocky, well-drained soils.

-Bird and butterfly attracting



-Heat tolerant


Acacia adsurgens

Whipstick Wattle

A multi-stemmed, wispy shrub with long curved strap-like leaves, smooth grey-brown bark, tubular yellow flowers and prolific seed pods. Grows to 2 metres tall and likes stony or sandy well-drained soil.

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia aneura


An extremely hardy shrub with rough bark, slender grey-green leaves, flat, papery seed pods, and cylindrical flower spikes. Typically growing in stands, it grows to 8 metres tall and tolerates a wide variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Shade

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia calcicola

Myall Gidgee

A scraggly wattle with dense grey foliage, golden globular flower heads, and thick, woody seed pods. Grows to 5 metres tall and likes sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought resistant

  • Tree

Acacia coriacea


A bushy tree with slender, silvery strap-like leaves similar in appearance to Grevillea striata (Beefwood), long, twisted seed pods, and yellow, globular flower heads. Growing to 10 metres tall, it favours sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia cyperophylla

Red Mulga

A tough and beautiful mulga with distinctive red peeling bark, needle-like leaves, and cylindrical bright yellow flowers. Grows to 5 metres tall and likes sandy or stony well-drained soil.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia dolichophylla

Chewings Range Wattle

A hardy and handsome bushy shrub 3-4 metres tall suitable for well-drained sites. Slender leaves and typical globular wattle flowers.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia estrophiolata


A large and graceful tree with weeping branches, flat, narrow leaves, thich, gnarled bark, pendulous seed pods and globular, pale yellow flowers. growing to 15 metres tall, it tolerates a range of soils and is extremely drought-hardy.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia georginae

Georgina Gidgee

A medium-sized tree with gnarled trunk, leathery leaves, a dense silvery canopy and large spiralled seed pods. Growing to 5 metres tall, acacia georginae provides prolific shade without blocking house gutters with leaves, and the hollows the tree often forms provide habitat for lizards, bats, birds and invertebrates. Tolerates a variety of well-watered soils.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Habitat provider

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia hilliana

Flying Saucer Bush

A small flat-topped shrub with dark flaky bark, angular branchlets, long golden flowers and sticky, strongly scented seed pods. Grows to 1 metre tall and 3 metres wide and likes stony or sandy, well-drained soil.

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia holosericea

Candelabra Wattle

An elegant wattle with broad grey-green leaves, papery, coiled seed pods, and narrow yellow flower spikes. Grows to 5 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia inaequilatera

Fire Wattle

A gnarled tree with dense corky bark, blue-grey off-kilter leaves, spiralling seed pods and abundant globular red-purple tinged flowers in season. Grows to 5 metre tall and likes rocky or sandy well-drained soils.


-Bird and butterfly attracting



-Heat tolerant


Acacia jennerae

Coonavittra Wattle

A tough and beautiful weeping wattle with a smooth orange-brown trunk, pendulous blue-green leaves, and abundant yellow flowers. Grows to 5 metres tall and likes sandy, well-drained soil.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia kempeana

Witchetty Bush

A small, multi-stemmed shrub with broad silvery leaves, flat, papery seed pods, and abundant, showy yellow cylindrical flower spikes. The plant is extremely important to Central Australian aboriginal peoples due to the large edible witchetty grubs found in its roots. Grows to 4 metres tall and tolerates a wide variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia murrayana

Colony Wattle

A fast-growing wattle with a distinctive smooth pale trunk with a fine white powdery coating, flat grey-green leaves, and bright yellow globular flowers. Grows to 5 metres tall, tolerates salt, and likes sandy well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia papyrocarpa

Western Myall

An elegant and gnarled wattle with multiple broad, dense silvery canopies, needle-like leaves and globular yellow flower heads. Grows to 8 metres tall and likes sandy or calcareous soils.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought resistant

  • Tree

Acacia peuce

Waddy Wood

An unusual and rare acacia with pendulous branches, blue-grey needle-like leaves, yellow globular flowers and large and attractive marbled seed pods. grows to 10 metres tall and likes a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia pruinocarpa

Black Gidgee

A large and elegant multi-stemmed wattle with leathery dark green leaves, black fibrous trunk, large seed pods, and plentiful globular yellow flowers. Providing plentiful shade, it grows to ten metres tall and likes sandy or rocky, well-drained soil.

  • Screening

  • Shade

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia retivinea

Net-veined Wattle

An elegant shrub with a smooth trunk, furry, round veined leaves, and large globular yellow flowers. Grows to 1.5 metres tall and likes sandy or rocky well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia salicina

Cooba Wattle

A fast-growing shade tree with dense canopy, weeping green foliage, and pale yellow globular flowers. Important as a ‘pioneer species’ in regenerative projects, the species hosts nitrogen-fixing organisms, provides shelter for slower-growing plants, creates abundant leaf-litter that breaks down into topsoil, and provides ready shelter and seed for birds and other animals. Grows to 15 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Regeneration

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Acacia spondylophylla

Curry Wattle

A wide-spreading shrub with dense foliage, sticky phyllodes (modified leaves) and seed pods that emit a Keens Curry smell when crushed, and abundant globular yellow flowers in season. Grows to 1 metre tall and likes rocky, well-drained soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia stipulosa

Prickly Wattle

A small prickly shrub with cylindrical branchlets, dark green triangular leaves, golden pom-pom flowers and large furry seed pods. Grows to 2 metres tall and likes stony or sandy, well-drained soil.

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia strongylophylla

Round-leaf Wattle

An unusual and prickly wattle with round leaves and spiny stems with dense bouquets of large, globular flower heads. Grows up to 4 metres tall and likes rocky, well-drained soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia tetragonophylla

Dead Finish

A tough shrub with small needle-like leaves and globular yellow flowers. A favourite with zebra finches, who nest in the tree for the protection it provides from goannas and other predators. Pitjantjatjara people have been known to use the tough points on the needles to remove warts. Grows to 4 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Acacia victoriae

Bardi Bush

A small thorny acacia with grey-green leaves, prolific globular pale yellow flowers, and abundant seed that has been a valued food source to Aboriginal peoples in Central Australia. Important as a ‘pioneer species’ in regenerative projects, the species hosts nitrogen-fixing organisms and contributes nitrogen to the soil. Common on river flats, acacia victoriae grows to 5 metres tall, and favours sandy, well-drained soil.

  • Regeneration

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Aluta maisonneuvii

Desert Heath Myrtle

An ornate shrub with dense, overlapping leaves and plentiful pink or white five-petaled flowers, and tiny wooden fruit. Grows to 1 metre tall, 3 metres in diameter, and likes sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought resistant

  • Shrub

Atalaya hemiglauca


A shady tree with pale bark, leaves ranging in colour from grey-green to bright green, and delicate white flowers. The trunk and roots of this tree are known to harbour edible witchetty grub, and seeds are often used by children as toy helicopters. Extremely drought tolerant, grows to 10 metres, and tolerates a variety of soil types.

  • Shade

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Atriplex nummularia

Old Man Saltbush

A tough, fast-growing saltbush with flat scaly pale grey leaves and clustered creamy white flowers. Grows to 2 metres and is useful in saline areas where little else will grow and in clay soils.

  • Screening

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Brachychiton gregorii

Desert Kurrajong

A graceful tree popular for municipal planting with upright trunk, shiny tripartite leaves, creamy bell-shaped flowers, and large canoe-shaped seed pods. Grows to 8 metres tall and likes sandy or stony, well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Shade

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Moderate water

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Calandrinia balonensis

Broad-Leaf Parakeelya

An annual succulent with broad bright green leaves and plentiful purple flowers with yellow stigmas. Grows to 20 centimetres tall and likes sandy well-drained soils. Makes an excellent pot plant.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Herb

Callitris glaucophylla

White Cypress Pine

A hardy native pine with pale green needle-like leaves and globular woody seed cones. Grows to 10 metres tall and favours rocky, well-drained soils.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought resistant

  • Tree

Calytrix carinata

Desert Fringe Myrtle

A showy shrub with dense sessile leaves and abundant spectacular hot pink flowers. Grows to 2 metres tall and likes sandy or stony well-drained soil.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Capparis spinosa ssp. nummularia

Wild Passionfruit

A sprawling and verdant plant with yellow caper fruit and abundant white nocturnal flowers. For Arrernte people the fruits of the native passionfruit (Arrutnenge) are highly prized; the sweet fruit pulp is eaten and the bitter pips generally spat out. This plant is susceptible to seasonal predation by the caterpillar of the white caper butterfly which will often completely strip its leaves before the plant rapidly produces new growth. Grows to 1 metre tall and 5 metres wide, and likes well-drained soil.

Bush tucker

Bird and butterfly attracting


Moderate water

Relatively heat tolerant


Capparis umbonata

Northern Wild Orange

A small tree with coarse grey bark, bright green weeping foliage, showy white flowers with long stamens, and large, globular fragrant fruit. Grows to 5 metres tall and prefers sandy, well-drained soil.

  • Screening

  • Shade

  • Attractive

  • Bush tucker

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Carissa lanceolata


A dense shrub with narrow pale green leaves, fragrant white flowers, and abundant purple fruit not dissimilar in taste from goji berries. Grows to 2 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Bush tucker

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Cassia artemisioides ssp. oligophylla

Oval Leaf Cassia

An attractive and fast growing bushy shrub with dark green leaves, prolific yellow flowers and dark seed pods. The leaves of oligophylla are used by Warlpiri people to ‘smoke’ babies. Grows to 2 metres, is drought-hardy, and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Codonocarpus cotinifolius

Desert Poplar

A short-lived, slender and upright tree with broad bright green leaves, small bright green daisy-like flowers, and abundant loads of bell-shaped fruitlets that sometimes cause the tree to lean over under the weight of the load.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Corymbia aparrerinja

Ghost Gum

An iconic Centralian gum tree with pendulous bright green foliage, strikingly smooth white trunk and creamy white flowers. This tree features strongly in Aboriginal mythology. Grows to 20 metres tall and likes rocky and sandy well-drained soils.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Corymbia candida

Desert ghost gum

An elegant tree with smooth powdery bark, bristly mallee-like opposing leaves, and densely clustered white flowers. Grows to 10 metres tall and likes sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought resistant

  • Tree

Corymbia opaca

Desert Bloodwood

A tall tree with pale brown, tessellated bark, attractive pale green foliage, and pale yellow flowers. The tree is often host to galls produced by the larvae of the coccid moth. These galls, commonly referred to as ‘bush coconuts’, may be broken open to reveal an edible grub and edible white flesh similar to a coconut. Grows to 15 metres and likes alluvial, well-drained soils.

  • Shade

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Bush tucker

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Corymbia setosa

Rough-leaved bloodwood

A medium-sized tree with rough, tessellated brown bark on the trunk and branches, a crown of juvenile, heart-shaped leaves arranged in opposite pairs, white flowers and urn-shaped to shortened spherical fruit. Grows to 4 metres tall and likes sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Shade

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Corymbia sphaerica

Big-fruited Bloodwood

A medium to large-sized tree with tessellated, brown bark, rough blue-green leaves arranged in opposing pairs, creamy flowers and, as the common name suggests, large, round gumnuts. Grows to 10 metres tall and likes sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Shade

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Crotalaria cunninghamii

Green Birdflower

A scraggly yet spectacular shrub with furry grey-green leaves, large pendulous yellow flowers and rattle pods. Grows to 2 metres tall and likes sandy well-drained soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Crotalaria eremaea

Desert Rattlepod

A delicate desert pea with broad, bright green leaves, abundant showy yellow flowers, and rattly seed pods resembling coffee beans. Grows to 1 metre tall and likes sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Moderate water

  • Drought tolerant

  • Herb

Crotalaria smithiana

Yellow Rattlepod

A showy and broad rattlepod with broad velvety blue-green leaves, delicate yellow flowers, reddish at the centre, and rattling seed pods that resemble coffee beans. Grows to 50 centimetres tall and likes sandy, well-drained soil.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive 

Dodonaea microzyga

Brilliant Hopbush

A small shrub with a slender woody trunk, red-tinged leaves, and burnt purple seed pods. Grows to 1 metre tall and likes rocky or sandy well-drained soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Dodonaea viscosa

Broadleaf Hopbush

A shrub with a slender trunk, shiny bright green leaves, and disc-like seed pods that vary greatly in colour, from yellow through to burnt purple. Grows to 3 metres tall and likes rocky or sandy well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Einada nutans

Climbing Saltbush

A fast-growing perennial saltbush with drooping branches, shield-shaped leaves and small red berries bitter to taste but sometimes used traditionally for colouring, to dye hair, or as a face paint. Grows to 1 metre and is appropriate for clay soils and locations where little else will grow.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Hardy

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Enchylaena tomentosa

Ruby Saltbush

An attractive and expansive groundcover capable of climbing with small grey-green cylindrical leaves and abundant small fleshy, edible fruits. Often referred to as ‘lolly bush’ by local Aboriginal mob, the fruits come in a spectrum of colour including yellow, orange, red, pink and purple. Grows up to 1 metre tall and likes clay-heavy soils.

  • Bush tucker

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Eremophila alternifolia

Narrow-leaved Fuschia Bush

A medium-sized shrub with a pale trunk, aromatic, cylindrical bright green leaves, and pink or red tubular flowers featuring darker red spots. Grows to 2 metres tall and likes sandy or stony well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Eremophila christopheri

Dolomite Fuschia Bush

A medium-sized shrub with dense dark green foliage and abundant lilac flowers. Grows to 2 metres tall and likes rocky well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Eremophila freelingii

Rock Fuchsia

An extremely hardy and aromatic fuchsia with hairy pale green leaves and delicate lilac flowers. The plant has important medicinal applications for Central Australian Aboriginal people, used for relief from colds and chest infections, headaches and sores. Grows to 1.5 metres tall and favours rocky, well-drained soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought resistant

  • Shrub

Eremophila glabra

Black Fuschia

A medium-sized shrub with dark green leaves reminiscent of an olive tree, and abundant red tubular flowers. Grows to 2.5 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Eremophila latrobei

Native Fuschia

A medium-sized shrub with dense grey-green foliage, and abundant small crimson flowers. Grows to 1.5 metres tall and likes sandy or stony well-drained soil.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Eremophila polyclada

Flowering Lignum

An attractive scrambling shrub with bright green foliage and abundant white flowers. Tough and fast-growing, it reaches 1.5 metres in height and tolerates a variety of soils while favouring clay.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Erythrina vespertilio

Bat’s Wing Coral Tree

A medium-sized tree with grey furrowed bark, wedge-shaped leaves resembling a bat’s open wings, and large scarlet to orange-red pea flowers. Seed pods contain large red seeds used by Aboriginal people and settlers as decorations. Grows to 10 metres, likes sandy well-drained soils, and requires plenty of moisture.

  • Shade

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • High water

  • Tree

Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

A large fast-growing eucalyptus with pale smooth bark sometimes streaked red, grey-green leaves, and delicate creamy flowers. The tree produces abundant hollows, providing habitat for birds, bats, reptiles and invertebrates. Grows to 25 metres tall, and likes sandy well-drained soil.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Habitat provider

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Eucalyptus gamophylla

Blue Mallee

A small eucalyptus with smooth, whitish bark, large blue-grey leaves joined in pairs and encircling the stem, and creamy white clustered flowers. The seed is eaten by Anmatyerr, Alyawarr, and southern Warlpiri peoples. Grows in mallee formation (multi-stemmed) reaching 5 metres, and likes sandy or stony well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Eucalyptus gillii

Curly Mallee

A small eucalyptus with smooth, creamy bark, large blue-grey leaves, and pale yellow clustered flowers. Can grow in mallee formation (multi-stemmed) or as a single upright stem reaching 5-7 metres, and likes sandy or stony well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Eucalyptus intertexta

Bastard coolibah

A tough and upright eucalyptus with white to red-brown trunk, grey-green leaves and creamy yellow flowers. Grows to 15 metres tall and will tolerate a wide variety of soils while favouring clay.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Habitat provider

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Moderate water

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Eucalyptus leucophloia

Snappy Gum

A beautiful eucalypt with white, powdery trunk, dense, blue-green leaves, creamy flowers and small gum nuts. Resembling a miniature ghost gum, it grows to 6 metres tall and likes stony, well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Shade

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Eucalyptus microtheca


A beautiful and tough eucalyptus with coarse flaky dark grey bark, grey-green foliage, and small creamy flowers. The tree is known to be fire and flood tolerant, and extremely drought tolerant. Grows to 15 metres tall and will tolerate a wide variety of soils while favouring clay.

  • Shade

  • Screening

  • Habitat provider

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Moderate water

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Eucalyptus minniritchi

Round-leaved Mallee

A dense, spreading mallee with glossy grey to red bark, grey-green oval shaped leaves, and creamy yellow flowers. Grows to 3 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Eucalyptus pachyphylla

Red Bud Mallee

A small eucalyptus with smooth pink bark, bright green leathery leaves, large red flower buds, yellow, and occasionally pink, flowers. The large gumnuts are sometimes used for ornamental purposes or by children as spinning tops. Grows to 5 metres tall and prefers sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Eucalyptus socialis

Red Mallee

A delicate mallee with red branches, grey-green leaves, clustered creamy flowers with slender, pointed caps. Grows to 4 metres tall and tolerates a range of well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Exocarpus sparteus

Slender Cherry

A weeping shrub with narrow, bright green linear leaves, slim branches, and copious quantities of small, globular fruit ranging in colour from yellow through to red. Hemiparasitic on the roots of other plants, it grows to 3 metres tall and likes sandy or rocky, well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Gastrolobium grandiflorum

Wallflower Poison Bush

A small shrub with grey-green oblong-shaped leaves, pea-shaped, dark red flowers, and furry egg-shaped seed pods. The plant is extremely poisonous, so not appropriate for households with children or domestic animals. Grows to 1.5 metres tall, and likes rocky or sandy well-drained soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Glycine canescens

Silky Glycine

A slender and elegant vine with grey-green leaflets, pink, blue or lilac pea flowers, and small, finely-haired seed pods. Climbs to a metre tall and likes sandy or stony, well-drained soils.

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Vine

Grevillea albiflora

White Spider Flower

A broad multi-stemmed tree with smooth grey bark, slender bright green leaves, and abundant showy cream-coloured flowers and furry white seed pods. Grows to 6 metres tall and sandy well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Shade

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Grevillea juncifolia

Honey Grevillea

A beautiful grevillea with long slender leaves and large orange flower clusters abundant in nectar, which may be sucked from the flowers or steeped in water to make a sweet drink. Grows to 2 metres tall and likes sandy well-drained soil.

  • Bush tucker

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Grevillea nematophylla

Water Bush

A multi-stemmed shrub with long needle-like leaves, dense clusters of delicate creamy-white flowers. Grows to 6 metres tall and likes sandy or stony well-drained soil.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Grevillea pyramidalus ssp. leucadendron

Caustic Bush

A slender upright shrub with flaky bark, long grey-green strappy leaves in batches resembling pon pons, creamy white flowers and seed pods coated in a dark brown sap that is extremely caustic. Grows to 6 metres tall and likes rocky or sandy well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Grevillea refracta

Silver-Leaf Grevillea

A beautiful slender silver-leafed shrub with very large seed pods and stunning pendulant red-yellow flowers. Grows to 6 metres tall and likes sandy or rocky well-drained soil.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Shrub

Grevillea striata


A medium sized tree with furrowed dark brown bark, long flat leathery leaves, and creamy flowers that grow in cylindrical clusters up to 8cm long. The itchy grub or processionary caterpillar is often found in this tree. Grows to 15 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Shade

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Grevillea wickhamii

Holly Grevillea

A beautiful grevillea with spiky, pale green, holly-like leaves and bright red pendulous flowers. Grows to 3 metres tall and likes rocky or sandy well-drained soil.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Hakea arborescens

Yellow Hakea

A medium-sized shrub with dark, rough, fissured bark, narrow, flat leaves, small creamy yellow flowers, and large elliptical woody fruit. Grows to 5 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Hakea chordophylla

Bootlace Corkwood

A medium-sized tree with thick corky bark, long droopy bootlace-like blue-green leaves, and abundant pale yellow flowers. Grows to 6 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Tree

Hakea eyreana

Fork-leaved Corkwood

A small gnarled tree with furrowed corky bark, dense wiry leaves, and clusters of yellow flowers. The nectar from the flowers can be steeped in water to make a sweet, blackish-colour drink. Grows to 7 metres and likes sandy or stony well drained soil.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Hakea grammatophylla

Ninbella Brilliance

A tough, densely branched shrub endemic to the MacDonnell Ranges with long flat leaves and spectacular pinky-reddish flowers from March through to winter. Grows to 1.5 metres and likes rocky, well-drained sites.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Hakea leucoptera


A tough, long-lived, many-stemmed shrub with dark green needle-like leaves, creamy white flowers and wooden seed pods that persist on the branches for quite some time. It has water-bearing roots from which Aboriginal people and explorers obtained water in time of need. Grows to 4 metres and tolerates clay soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Hakea lorea

Long-leaf Corkwood

A medium-sized tree with thick corky bark, long needle-like blue-green leaves, and abundant pale yellow flowers. Grows to 8 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Tree

Hakea minyma


A multi-stemmed shrub with smooth grey bark, long, flat grey-green leaves, and sweetly scented pink and white flowers. Grows to 3 metre tall and likes rocky or sandy well-drained soils.


-Bird and butterfly attracting



-Heat tolerant


Indigofera leucotricha

White Indigo

An extremely hardy shrub with delicate silvery blue leaves and pink flowers. Grows to 1 metre tall and likes rocky, well-drained soil.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Ipomoea costata

Bush Potato

A climbing perennial shrub with broad luscious green leaves, lilac funnel-shaped flowers, globular seed pods and large, edible tubers related to the cultivated sweet potato. Bush potato was an important staple food for Aboriginal people throughout its range. Climbs to 3 metres tall and favours sandy, well-drained soil.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought resistant

  • Shrub

Leichhardtia australis

Bush Banana

A vigorous vine with slender, thick olive-green leaves, creamy flowers, and large, pendulous fruit. Climbs to 6 metres tall and likes sandy or stony well-drained soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought resistant

  • Vine

Leptosema chambersii

Upside-down Plant

A tiny spindly shrub with large, bright red pea flowers which spread along stems emerging from the base of the plant and are abundant in nectar. Grows to 40cm tall and likes sandy, well-drained soil.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Maireana georgei

Satiny Bluebush

A small shrub with wooly branches, narrow silky leaves and spectacular golden disc-fruit. Grows to 1 metre tall and likes saline clay soils.

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Melaleuca fulgens ssp. corrugata

Wrinkled Honey Myrtle

A medium-sized shrub with delicate dark green foliage, large striking white-pink-yellow flowers, and woody seed pods. Grows to 4 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Melaleuca glomerata

Inland Tea Tree

A small delicate tree with pale papery bark, narrow pointed leaves, and abundant yellow hairy flowers that emerge from small cups. The paper bark from this tree has been used extensively by desert Aboriginal peoples for such uses as sheathing stone knives or packaging sacred objects. Grows to 3 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Tree

Melaleuca nervosa

Yellow-barked Paperbark

An elegant paperbark with pale grey bark, broad, dark green leaves, greenish, yellow, pink or red cylindrical flower spikes and seed heads densely packed on stems. Grows to 8 metres tall and likes sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Moderate water

  • Tree

Melaleuca viridiflora

Broad-leaved Paperbark

A medium-sized tree with white papery bark, broad bright green leaves, pale yellow flowers as well as occasional red to pink blooms growing in cylindrical formation. Grows to 10 metres tall and tolerates a variety of soils while favouring heavy clays.

  • Screening

  • Shade

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Tree

Myoporum acuminatum

Desert Boobialla

A fast-growing and hardy shrub with lush green leaves, fragrant white flowers, and edible berries in shades of red and purple. Grows to 2 metres and likes sandy, well-drained soils.

  • Bush tucker

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Shrub

Nitraria ballardierei

Salty Grape Bush

A low-spreading and tangled shrub with narrow dark green succulent-like leaves, delicate white flowers and copious quantities of yellow, red to deep purple fruit. The fruits are popular with emus and other birds, and are eaten straight from the bush by Aboriginal peoples. Early settlers burnt the bush to produce potassium nitrate, used as fertiliser and as a preservative. Grows to 1.5 metres tall and 5 metres wide and makes an excellent ‘pioneer plant’ in regeneration of degraded land, tolerating extremely poor, saline and clay-heavy soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Regeneration

  • Shrub

Pandorea doratoxylon


A beautiful shrub with lush green leaves, fern-like in appearance in juvenile plants, vine-like stems, creamy bell-shaped flowers, and large canoe-shaped seed pods. As the common name implies, this bush is favoured by desert Aboriginal people for fashioning spear shafts. Grows to 5 metres tall and likes rocky, well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Petalostylis cassioides

Butterfly Bush

A gorgeous spreading shrub related to the cassia with small dense leaflets and prolific yellow flowers with red ‘eyebrow’ markings on the upper petal. Grows to 1.5 metres tall, spreads to 3 metres, and likes sandy well-drained soil.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Shrub

Pittosporum phylliraeoides

Bush Apricot

An attractive small tree with verdant drooping leaves and branches, small creamy bell-flowers and orange seed capsules resembling undersized apricots, only to split open revealing seeds encased in red pulp. These seeds are bitter to eat, but popular with birds. Grows to 5 metres and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Partial shade

  • Tree

Prostanthera striatiflora

Striped Mint Bush

A medium-sized, many-branched shrub with bright green aromatic leaves, and abundant white tubular flowers with distinct purple lines. Grows to 2.5 metres tall and likes stony well-drained soils.

  • Screening

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub

Pterocaulon sphacelatum

Apple Bush

A small, aromatic perennial with broad hairy leaves and large globular pink and white flowers. Grows to 1 metre tall and tolerates a variety of soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Moderate water

  • Drought resistant

  • Herb

Ptilotus calostachyus

Weeping Mulla Mulla

An attractive shrub with green stems, smooth narrow leaves, and a mass of pendulous conical pink flowers. Grows to 1 metre tall and likes sandy or stony, well-drained soil.

  • Attractive

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Waterwise

  • Drought tolerant

  • Shrub

Ptilotus obovatus

Silver Mulla Mulla

A small shrub with hairy stems and hairy pale grey-green leaves, and abundant purple flowers. Grows to 0.5 metres tall and likes sandy or stony soils.

  • Bird and butterfly attracting

  • Attractive

  • Waterwise

  • Heat tolerant

  • Shrub






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